Saturday, March 10, 2007

Back to the bus

We schlep our bags to the bus stand in Pondy. We need a 2 hour bus to get to the train station to get our overnighter to Trivandrum.

After asking everyone and their cousin which bus goes to our destination we start getting annoyed at the huge variations in answers that we are getting. Walking up and down across a slab of asphalt in 35 degree heat is not that funny. Eventually we find our bus only to be kicked off by the conductor because we have luggage? Odd.

Anycase, we find another bus, sitting in its docking bay. We get on, slide our luggage under the seats so the conductor cant see and wait. Everyone is seated and a half hour goes past and we are sweating in places we never knew could emit sweat. The bus starts up its engine. It reverses out of the bay, moves about 10 yards and then switches off its engine. More passengers board as we wait another 15 minutes - this time we allow the standing passengers to board. Off we go!

The bus stops approximately 10 times on route. Each time I think that there is no possible way they can take more people, but they do. I see a woman hand her baby to seated passenger thru the window while she struggles to push herself on. Simone has someones foot on top of hers (no shoes) and Ive got someones arm across my face. This makes London rush hour on the tube look feel like the expansive deserts of the Sahara.

The DVD player isn't working so at least we have some respite from the sounds of Bollywood.
Two hours pass and we arrive safely, if not a little smelly.

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