Friday, March 9, 2007


Having relaxed and unwound in Mammalumps we were rather keen to check out this town.It was recommended by a few people as it has a prevalent french feel with some great architecture and ambiance.

However this is only in one part of town and the Indians have made it their own too. Its an interesting mix. The police wear the same uniforms as they do in France but work in the Indian style (i.e. do nothing). The govt building are all french marvels but in the Indian style (i.e. dusty, in need of a paint job, messy and odd assortment of furniture from 50 years ago). The restaurants are french too and french only.... wicker chairs, gingham table clothes, overpriced, poor service and small portions. The only Indian trait here is the offering of Indian dishes and the food served by a local.

Its all very nice but not what we want right now.

Our hotel, a lovely traditional house with courtyard in the middle - it would have been amazing but when we arrive we are greeted by a thousand Indians using the 12 bedroom hotel as location for a tv serial. Our room door opens on to their set and our window looks out onto the generator truck. Lovely.
We wake up to the sound of 'action'.

Everytiime we leave our room we have to ask as not to be in shot. There are light stands and rigs everywhere and every piece of their equipment is from about 1920. Its interesting to say the least. I tell them I work in Tv and get a minimum of 4 business cards, an introduction to the art director (I tell him to use a tripod instead of handheld) and even an offer to be on camera. (I refuse).

We leave the next day after getting a "noise discount" from the hotel - I think it should be called a "total inconvenience" discount. Its a bus to a town an hour away and then an overnight train to Trivandrum, Kerala on the southwest tip of India.

One of the many flower decorations in shops all round India and Sim sitting infront of their stock (which is usually just kept on the pavement in piles!)

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